Adding color icons to the tech web (categorized) with an option to disable.Adding advanced touch controls, gesture support, pen support.Adding "Completed" section to city production menu so players know what they just finished.Correcting an issue where actions could be missing from embarked workers (like repairing a pillaged water improvement).Ongoing updates to in-game text, tool-tips, etc.Adding an in-game option to disable depth of field effect for players that prefer the game without this.Investigating crash issues submitted by users, and through Steam crash reporting.Investigating a start-up problem where the game shuts down with an error immediately following the opening movie.Correcting screen resolution problems, particularly related to the 144hz refresh rate full-screen (or lack of full-screen) issue.Fixing a memory leak that could potentially crash the game (mostly affected MP).Improving AI, including energy management, tactical management, tech and victory approaches, etc.Adjusting Station distribution, and arrival timing.Adjusting Affinity reward ramping when earning Affinity from Quests.Implementing gameplay bug fixes as reported in the community (Quests, etc.).Implementing Trade Route balance and adjustments, including simpler UI.Implementing Covert Ops updates and exploit fixes.